Type U

App to help newly diagnosed diabetes kid's families get better diabetes management education and reduce their burden to take care of their kids.


Satisfaction rate


success rate of insulin dosing counting

May 2022 - May 2023
1 PM, 2 SWEs
UX research, UX/UI design, Branding, Data analysis

Our client is Children's Healthcare of Atlanta(CHOA), which is nationally ranked in 10 pediatric specialties. We worked with the doctors and diabetes educators in Diabetes Team.

Project Overview

Parents are overwhelmed when the kid is diagnosed with diabetes, and they are required to attend a two-day education on diabetes to ensure they can take care of the child while going back home.

Design Overview

I created an App which has digital verision of diabetes content, as long as orientation, diabetes resources, insulin calculalor and quiz.

Digital Content
with visuals and videos to help patients better understand. Also, the patients can search keywords to find content.
designed to help patients get to know about what education is so that they can have a clue of what to do next.
Insulin Calculator
is used to calculate insulin dose for food and insulin dose for high blood sugar, and is also used for patients to double check their calculating.
is designed to help educators check if the patients understand the content or not, and to provide support accordingly.
Diabetes Resources
designed to provide additional information, including App recommendation, food diary and communities.
Interview with Diabetes Educators

We organized a meeting with 4 diabetes educators to have an indepth interview to know more details about the problems they are facing.

Observation & Interview with Patients

I attended the class to conduct an observation and user interview at the hospital aiming to gain a better understanding of how families perform during diabetes education in the hospital.

Competitive Analysis

Educators mentioned many Apps they would recommend to the patients and complained about their missing features and bad user experience. Therefore, I conducted a competitive analysis of these Apps, aiming to find their weakness and potential design points.

Affinity Diagram for Patients
Affinity Diagram for Educators
Key Findings
For Diabetes Educators
For Patients
Recommended Apps
I created 3 personas based on the research. Data-obssessed family is the primary persona, and flustered family and alternative caregiver family are the secondary personas.
User Journey Map
I used a user journey map to recreate the whole process, which concludes 4 phases from being diagnosed with diabetes to discharging from the hospital and going home.
Problem Statement
How might we design a digital tool to optimize the whole experience of diabetes education so that parents can get better educated about diabetes management?
💪 Goal
1️⃣ Help parents digest the knowledge easily and soothe their emotions as well.

2️⃣ Facilitate educator to teach knowledge and easier to get feedback from parents
Stakeholder's Requirement
1. User doesn't need to log in and the App doesn't store user data.
2. The App should avoid containing temporary information such as educators' contact, blood sugar meter device information.
Based on the user journey map, I created a future user journey map to brainstorm design concepts for each phase and to design the experience as a whole.
Key Feature
Combine the future journey map and the needs from stakeholders, I defined 5 main feartures of the App.
Architecture Information
After determing the main feature, I created a architecture information of the App and presented to stakeholders,
The wireframing phase is to create reasonable user flows, and prioritize the user needs.
User Testing &
I conducted 2 rounds of rapid user tesing using online survey and interview. After analyzing all the feedback, I determinded the design focus and made major design changes.
Design Changes -1
The orientation is really helpful for users based on the feedback, so I specifized the user flow of the orientation, put concret content and gave educators to validate.
Design Changes -2
User prefers the digital material to the handbook very much, so I created a sample for chapter one, and showed to users and educators to test the length of each chapther and how they use search and bookmark features.
Design Changes -3
User expected the insulin calculator to be more specific, so I designed the user flow of the insulin calculator.
During Hi-Fi design, I focused more on the details and visual of the design, and also collaborated with educators to put real content to the App.
User Testing &
The aim of the user test is to see how users act and what difficulties they met during using the App.
Design Changes -1
To make the design consistant with CHOA's current product, I designed a new visual style based on the reference of the design system of CHOA.
Design Changes -2
User failed in insulin calculator and complained it was complicated to use. To solve that, I splited the task into 3 steps with 3 individual pages.
Design Changes -3
User felt confused when it was a multi-choice question, so I changed the interaction for single and multi choice questions.
Design Changes -4
User eagered to have more additional information and cheatsheets for eating. After talking with educators, I added 4 materials in food diary section.


Parcitipatory Design
I created a logo and App named brainstorm with them, aiming to involve all stakeholders to express their care by contributing to the design.
Logo Design
It was really great that we came up with a really good name, Type U, which was liked by everyone and fully delivered our team's care and passion. Along with that, I designed a logo that makes our great hope in visualized form.
After finishing most of the design works, I assisted developers to launch the perfect design of the project. To make the design more standard and programmable, I made a few changes based on communicating with developers.
Final Design
In the end, I want to quote what educators said to the patients at the orientation to express my sense of excitement and measurement of helping others people get better through this project!
"You can do this, and you’ll be incredibly proud to look back and see just how much you’ve learned and how far you’ve come in a short period of time!"
Final DesignImpact